
But, suddenly when the young man about to the door, he quit try to open right-handed door.  He felt six sense. And then, he opened left-handed door. There is the woman in the room, and they were hugging each other. However the prince looks depressed and shocked. also a part of the young man`s feeling has sad and depressed too, because the prince tried to make him go to right room, it means go to hell.  However, the young man discarded these sad feeling; furthermore, the young man felt happy and thank what he is alive. The king said “Congratulation!! The god took up for you. Thus, you are freedom”. Everyone who was there was delighted and applauded for him expect one person… 
At the night, the young man and the women spending good night and smiling at new their house. While they were sleeping, the man heard the sound of knocking door of his house. He went to check how is this. He was surprised, the prince is there. He lost word… And then the prince said “Why didn`t go into right door?? I told you!!”  And he said “I don`t know, but I felt it`s wrong and in fact it ‘was wrong!!” Prince “I was shocked that.” The man “I was shocked too. Why did you do such action??” She said” Noooo. Don`t misunderstand. Actually I tried to make you go right door, but I thought I would killed my self after that!! I can`t stand you live with another woman. Thus I wanted to dye” He said “What??” She said“ So, let`s dye together now”  Next, she stuck him with a knife she brought and hided. Wooooo. He screamed. And few second later, He never open his eyes. And she killed herself…  lastly she said “I hope we could meet next world as a commoner. Cause is I am a prince. I`m so Sorr……”      


The Strangest Thing You Have Ever Eaten

    Eating is one of my hobbies, so I'm not picky eater. I usually eat everything, even it is a dish which I've never eaten. I like to try new dishes, but unfortunately, I don't have opportunities eating new one. Thus I thought Japanese strange food for you guys. We eat many kinds of fish by some methods, sashimi, roasted, boiled or fried. I don’t have the hateful seafood even it is seafood which some Japanese hate. For example, trepang, squilla, anglerfish. I think these seafood is avoid in come countries. 
In addition one of my most favorite is bacon of whale.

Now days, we can't catch it so much, so it has become expensive food. Also there are a few restaurants which serve it.  I hope I can eat this when I go back to Japan next time.


Hi My name is Shoei

     Today I introduce myself. 1st I talk about my basic information. My name is Shoe Kin I was born 1991/8/29 in Aomori Japan. But actually I'm Korean Japanese. My parents are Korean.  My hometown is very countryside, but it's really nice. It is famous for apple and garlic and seafood, especially tuna. I miss there. Until Middle school, I lived in Aomori. After that, I went to high school in Tokyo. At that time, I live with my 2 brothers and a sister. The life was not easy. I had to do everything  by myself, but it was fun. And then I came here to study about film.                             
      Next I talk about my hobbies. First I lve to go to Karaoke. When I hang out with my friends in Japan, we usually went to Karaoke. Because it's cheap and really fun, we can stay for a long time. 2nd hobby is NBA. I really love NBA, because I was in basketball club in middle and high school. Of course my favorite team is Lakers, and a favorite paler is Kobe. Unfortunately, this season lakers is not  good. They lose some games, but I hope they will be champion again. 3rd my hobby is travel. I've been many countries before. Korean, Some country of Europe, And some city of the U.S.A. Someday, I'd like to travel to all over the world. It's my dream.